Mali uniform and equipment set
A handsome addition to the collection is a uniform and equipment set worn in Mali by a Special Forces Operator of C-squadron, marine 1 Thomas.

From April to August 2015, the men of MARSOF (Dutch Maritime Special Operations Force) in Mali took over the baton from the Commando Corps. Obtaining modern equipment is emphatically more of a focus point to the Marines Museum. After all, today’s events are tomorrow’s history.
Modular system
Characteristic of contemporary military equipment is the modular system used for the battle vests, enabling troops to rig out their jacket with various exterior pockets as they see fit and feel most comfortable with. Especially for the MINUSMA observer mission in Mali, the MARSOF purchased new equipment in a coyote tan colour.
This battle vest is known as a plate carrier: around the front and the back, the vest has pockets to insert bulletproof kevlar plates. The battle dress was also especially purchased for deployments abroad, made in a MultiCam camouflage pattern: a camouflage design devised to be used in all kinds of environments, albeit with the emphasis on the world’s more arid regions. The set in itself is extremely complete as it is, and is supplemented with individually purchased items such as a pair of sunglasses, trekking boots and a practical grab bag (a small bergen).